
What does India's Barefoot College have in common with the annual Burning Man gathering in the United States, the Dutch urban development project Leidsche Rijn, Jordan's East Wahdat Upgrading Program, and the Rural Studio in Alabama?
While each of these settlements represents a distinct local story, none of them have accepted established ways of envisioning community or the regulations imposed by society. Their success is founded upon the active participation of individuals in designing, building, and implementing their architecture and infrastructure systems.
Urban Independent explores issues of individual initiative and participation in these five diverse communities. A representative from each project, in some cases the founders and in others active participants, have generously taken the time to respond to five questions that explore the motivations and implications of their projects. Every two weeks, a different community's answers will be posted on this site, beginning with East Wahdat and ending with Leidsche Rijn.

East Wahdat
August 15 - August 28
Burning Man
August 29 - September 12
Barefoot College
September 13 - September 30
Rural Studio
October 1 - October 14
Leidsche Rijn
October 19 - October 27

September 27: a lecture by Marjetica Potrc and Bunker Roy co-presented with the Architectural League
September 28: Bunker Roy, founder of the Barefoot College in India will be joining Marjetica Potrc, Aleksandra Wagner, Lebbeus Woods, and local architects and planners on the site of Consuming Places for a workshop that further explores these issues, and their relevance to New York City.